Measuring LinkedIn Conversions with Infusionsoft
How to Measure Your LinkedIn Marketing Success and Return on Investment
Your business, our business, their business, we all have the same bottom line in common, we care for conversion and our return on investment. Whether you use LinkedIn or other social media for your digital marketing effort, you want to see results and positive return on investment.
Conversion begins with nurturing and, just like developing relationships to people whom you just knew, it’s a process. The same principle applies if you want to turn LinkedIn connections into loyal customers. The first time you get a hold of them, you want to nurture relationships until you lead them to the conversion funnel.
From follow ups, to customer relationship management and even sending out freebies to your customers, Infusionsoft is a piece of technology to cover your bases. Its innovative dashboards lets you see your campaign progresses and results, so you get a simplified view of measurable data useful for your team and future campaign references.
You can keep track of how many people opt-in on your LinkedIn offers or how many have signed up on your landing page. Measuring email conversion, click rates and AB testing to see which email campaigns work best, are all made possible through Infusionsoft. This data helps you segment prospects to see which leads should be nurtured and which are impossible to bring to your sales funnel. Basically, Infusionsoft helps you increase your pool of qualified leads.
With these metrics, it’s easier to analyze which leads are valuable and actionable. You can see which group of prospects needs nurturing and which are not solidly interested in your offer. Infusionsoft also provides data as to which among your lead magnets have higher conversion. With it, it’s easier to predict what type of future lead acquisition techniques to use, analyze spending on previous lead generation campaigns and summarize value of leads gathered.
By having a clear view of your campaign, marketing, advertising and selling results, you can tweak which needs improvements and prepare for future approaches on your LinkedIn marketing and lead generation.
Overall, having Infusionsoft for your LinkedIn, lead generation is essential if you want to keep track of your valuable campaign data without having to deal with a chaotic scheme. Plus, with Infusionsoft, there’s no need to use multiple software for your LinkedIn marketing as customer relationship management, email marketing, automation and even selling can be centralized using this standalone innovative tool.