When you’re just starting out, it can be hard to determine the best offer for each of your customer/client content persona segments. You might feel like you need a promotion that will appeal to everyone (and therefore no one) or even worse, you may not have a promotions strategy at all!
If this sounds familiar, then I think the Promotions Waterfall approach is right for you. It allows you to determine the best offer for each of your customer/client content persona segments and then allows you to upsell (and downsell) as needed to make the sale. It also allows you to ensure that your customers/clients don’t get trained to expect offers from you in a planned cycle -- because if they do that, especially with a retail client or ecommerce client, they’ll end up having their expectations set higher than what is possible in any given time period.
Promotions Waterfalls are built by starting with the offer that you know will be most appealing to your customer/client content persona segment and working down from there. Often, this is achieved through the use of a tiered pricing system where customers have different prices for different levels or versions of products. The more expensive version often includes more.
Instead of going into detail in this blog post, click the link below to see the detailed article on Keap.com written by Vix Reitano: